

For every 3 points you beat the needed DC, you find an additional herb of that type. You may roll once per day to find herbs within your area, spending a total of 4 hour searching; state which herb is being looked for before rolling. You can search for herbs while traveling; look at the chart below to understand how to do so.


Add the stated numbers to the base DC needed to find the herb you're searching for if traveling. This chart assumes you are investing the day's entire worth of time to just travel, finding herbs as you move along. If this is not the case, refer back to the rules on searching for 4 hours per day.

Pace - Add to DC

  • Slow Travel = +4

  • Normal Travel = +7 DC

  • Fast Travel = +10 DC



Season, Add to Base DC

  • Winter = +5

  • Spring = +0

  • Summer = +0

  • Fall = +0



Amber's Moss-Green Rose
Amber's rose is a moss-green rose that has the natural ability to soak up poisons, through not overwhelmingly well. This herb generally grows in meadows, plains, and swamplands, though sometimes it can be found in the upper levels of a cave systems.

Blood-Tipped Bone Lotus
Commonly seen as bad luck, a blood-tipped bone lotus grows on the bodies of those who have passed; be it recent or not. This white petaled herb with red tips feeds on the marrow of bones, utilizing the minerals to rapidly increase its rate of growth. It is not uncommon for a body to be completely covered by a colony of lotuses to the point where its thick red roots hide any evidence of a body.

Clear Flower
This herb is found in the deeper areas of caves or caverns, being unable to survive in direct sunlight. This translucent herb appears much like a small bush with small tendrils extending off along the stone ground. Though it possesses no sentience, the herb does casually move within cave systems, passively seeking out sources of water and absorbing the little nutrients it can find by randomly moving around at a snail's pace.

Clear Sap Clear
This sap is derived from large trees found in forests along mountain ranges. This crystal clear sap can be appropriately breathed in to allow a creature's vision to gain unnatural benefits.

Dew-Splattered Daisy
This yellow daisy with what appears like droplets of dew across it can be consumed to cure all but the most maliciously created poisons. It grows along mountain edges that connect into meadows and forests.

Dreamer's Black Lily
Generally used by diplomats, this black lily can be crushed, mixed with water or oil, and applied to the skin to allow the creature to smell like honey and mint. This herb can be found in rotting lands or deadlands; plains where a natural or unnatural rot has set in.

Drooping Pink Root
This pint-tinted root can be found acting as a parasite to other large-trunked trees in forests or woodlands. It attached to the bottom of a trunk and grows underground; typically a small portion of the root still extends out from the base of the tree from its initial attachment point. It can be eaten raw to allow certain aggression-filled individuals the capability to regain their adrenaline stores when they've been used; though, more than one consumption of the herb per 24 hours leaves the creature in a coma-like state for 24 hours. Emear's Thick-Petaled Ember This thick-petaled flower with red leaves and two white stripes extending down each one grows on heated rocks. Its thick roots bury themselves into the softer stone and suck the nutrients it can, growing at a very slow pace, it is typically found within volcanic regions.

Freshasha Petal
This yellow-green flower with willow-like petals can be found growing in woodlands. While the herb isn't difficult to find, it can be hard to catch. This herb, when spooked by a scent or vibration can detach its flowery head and float off into the air to find a new place to grow once more. Many describe this herb as the 'Jellyfish petal' for its jellyfish-like appearance when departing an area.

Gnarled Jero Root
This root is typically found in woodlands growing near sources of water. It appears like a mass of thick roots that twist and bend around each other. Most roots grow to be the size of a normal hand, however, the largest on record has grown to be larger than five feet long.

Hukoon Seeds
This brown walnut-like seed can be ground up via a pestle and mortar and drunk with water or simply eaten on the spot, though, it does have a rather bitter-like taste. This seed can prevent diseases from progressing, allowing potentially dangerous diseases to be held at bay until proper care can be given. It's found within heavy or light woodlands scattered across the ground. Lavender Seeds Lavender seeds are scattered across meadows, plains, and sandy shores. They're easy to spot thanks to the distinctive purple flower tipped stalks.

Millow Stalks
These plain green stalks go easily unnoticed as being anything special, but, upon being eaten they quickly allow a creature to feel revitalized after a short nap. These herbs are found near any pool of water; except oceans, aboveground.

These tiny bushels of black grass can be seen growing on mountains, regardless of height. They can be consumed to allow a creature resistance to common drugs. Rancid Dirt Bulb Dirt bulbs are notorious for smelling and tasting horrible, but offering beneficial effects to the body. They are harder to find due to the fact they grow underground and only have a few short leaves which can easy be mistaken for grass poking up through the soil. The onion-like herb grow anywhere with soil and moderate sunlight.

Red Dotted White Cap
This white mushroom with red polka dots covering its cap grows near moist underground water sources. When inhaled the spores enter your bloodstream and temporarily bind with neurological receptors in your brain, allowing your senses to become sharper.

Revitalizing Root
This smooth coal-black root is found in deadlands or zones of rot, sucking what little nutrients it can from nearby life and storing it. It only grows on rotting plants, though, it has been noted that they can grow on dead creatures. This root, when squeezed, releases a yellow liquid from its tiny pores that when licked, allow a creature to feel refreshed. Sickly Spark Stalks Growing along sandy shores of large rivers, this deep purple, black stalk appears as if rotting from a distance as white flowers sprout along the tops of the stalks and leak this disgustingly vile smell of death via a yellow sap. When eaten, some magic users find that it provides a boost to their abilities.

Silver Spores
Silver spores are spores gathered from the edges of a white mushroom with a silver-like trim around the cap's edges. It grows aboveground near large tree trunks in swamp-like areas with a moist environment. Snap Petal These black leaves are found on a daisy-like flower that grows in light to deep forests. When properly taken, the chemicals of the herb allow a creature's mind to become less reactive to the emotion that is fear.

Sugarfire Sap
Sugarfire sap is a thick amber sap derived from thin hallow trees in deep forests. The sap, naturally infused with magic, can completely stop a petrification effect from taking hold of a creature with one application. It is typically used as a sweetener as it tastes sugary sweet with a hint of cinnamon.




If you fail the DC needed to make a drug you lose all ingredients.


Each drug takes 16 hours to make. This time cannot be broke up. It must be done in one continuous session. Roll at the end of the creation of the drug to determine if you succeeded or failed.


For all drugs except Soft Moss, you must make a DC saving throw based on the drug or become addicted. If you become addicted you attempt to take the same drug once a day however you can until you beat the save. If you can't get the drug, you suffer a penalty based on the table below to your stats each day you don't take the drug. Each long rest restores a single point back to a stat. If a stat drops to zero, that player dies. Addiction penalties are applied to the effected stats randomly.

ROLLING TO REDUCE STATS -To reduce the stats, roll to see which one is effected, then roll the "stats reduced by" die to determine how far that penalty drops.


Hot Rice
Hot rice is a concoction of herbs (Clear Sap, Millow Stalks, and Drooping Pink Root) brewed in a proper manner. When taken, it increases your body's ability to move quickly as your heart and lungs begin working more efficiently. However, because of the usage of pink root, many upon taking the drug enter a coma-like state; though generally passing without any immediate harm, people have died due to heart attacks. It appears like a white powder.

Grey Goop
This drug uses a brain from a creature with an intelligence of 14 or higher soaked in sickly spark stalks and sugarfire sap for 24 hours. The drug allows one to open their mind to new thoughts while paralysing their body for the duration. It is quite common for researchers to take this drug with moonsilk grass so as to help progression of their research; though they'd rarely say anything about it. When finished soaking, the drug looks like a bowl of grey soup.

Lightning Bug
Lightning bug is a hallucinogenic drug. It allows the creature taking it to more accurately see minor emotional shifts in a person's face, as the expressions are often times shown to be much larger and apparent through the eyes of the creature taking the drug. Though, it benefits come with the downside of losing awareness of your surroundings as it blends into a colorful sea of shapes and sounds. Its made by using red dotted white caps ground into a powder with the juices of revitalizing roots; creating a fine paste that can be applied to many delicious foods. Typically diplomats make use of this drug when conducting deals.

Servent's Soup
This drug completely improves a creature's mind and body for a short period of time, allowing them to be quite efficient at things they once weren't. However, this drug is highly addictive and often leads to the death of any who take it. Mostly because of its rarity and the addicted creature's inability to access more. It's brewed by using rancid dirt bulbs, millow stalks, and the eye of a beholder.

Soft Moss
This drug is simply an herb that when smoked offers the creature a slightly better sense of awareness with the negatives of a lazy body. This herb can be commonly found growing anywhere near water aboveground or underground. Hot Rice




